So, I've always told myself that I would never have a blog...but here I am. We'll see how this goes. I decided to start this blog because I will be soon starting one of the most difficult tasks a person can endure...medical school. I've read and heard many things about medical school and post medical education and I have concluded that it is all very terrible; but, for some reason I am still compelled to go throught with it. This blog is for me, because I know that I will need to express myself sometimes and will not always be able to do it to the people around me. So, here it is for all the world to see, my thoughts and opinions about what I will be going through in medical school.
For those of you who stumble upon my blog (which I'm sure will be accidentally) I'm sorry if it is not as entertaining as you hoped! I've never considered myself a creative person or a very good writer so I'm sorry that you will have to endure my boring posts. I am trying to keep this blog as anonymous as possible. I've heard that this is very difficult to do so we will see if I succeed. However, out of courtesy to those who read this, I guess I should say a few things about myself:
I am a young woman preparing to begin medical school at a popular west coast university. I am finishing up a post-bac program because I have been out of school for a few years since I received my B.A. I have a vague idea of what specialty I want to go into only because when I tell people I'm going to become a doctor the first question I get is "Oh, really, what kind?" So, I'm forced to think about it. Basically, I'm thinking of trying to survive through some kind of primary care specialty. Even though it is not as glamorous as other specialties like surgery, dermatology, or anasthesiology, primary care keeps calling my name. Maybe something a little more specialized like OB-Gyn or psychiatry. I really don't know.
Well, I'm sure as time goes on I will reveal more about myself, for now, I just know that I both dread and look forward to my first day of medical school.