Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What kind of doctor I should be...

So I took this cute quiz that tells you what medical field is right for you and here's my result:

The medical specialty for you is.... Surgery

Surgery is the best of all specialties. As a surgeon, you will work hard and be paid well for your efforts. Now that all your cutthroat behavior is finally paying off, you will obtain extreme satisfaction from opening up peoples' bodies and thereby saving their lives. Every once in a while, you'll accidentally sew up the body with your wristwatch inside, but no one will be the wiser.

To find out what specialty best fits your unique personality, go to:

What Medical Specialty Is For You?

Funny things is that I've never thought that I would even consider surgery. It takes up too much time and I'm not willing to give up a family life for a career. We'll see what I actually go into. I'm curious myself

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Volunteering thoughts

So, one of the requirements of the program that I am in is that I have to volunteer 4 hours a week in an underrepresented area. So, I started volunteering. Honestly, I don't really enjoy volunteering. I don't know about you but it is not appealing to me to stand/sit around a clinic for hours while other people do their jobs and then every now and then get asked to go retrieve something from the closet out back. It just feels like a big waste of my time. Granted, if I wasn't volunteering I'd be just wasting my time at home, on the internet, playing video games, watching TV, reading a book...whatever, the point it is would be my free precious free time! I know that I'm going to be very busy once I start medical school and I'd like to spend my free time doing what I like to do for myself! I also don't like that volunteering seems to be the thing you have to do to make yourself "stand out" as a medical school applicant. I don't understand how doing something that everyone else is doing makes you stand out.
anyway, that's my rant about volunteering. I do have to mention that volunteers are great and that some things can't get done without people who volunteer...good for them.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Office Spoof

I love "The Office" and this just made me laugh out loud. Found this linked at a fellow medical blog, Half MD